This is a guide to help my Patrons decide what to watch and in what order. The general idea is to start with Music Theory for Guitar and then move on to Music Theory Monday, but there are some fun options along the way.
Keep in mind, you can always join the live weekly Office Hours for further questions!
If you’re looking for specific lessons, check out the searchable Lesson Archive.
If you’re wondering where to start on my Patreon, click “where to start”.
Start here and continue down the page:
Music Theory for Guitar I:
Wondering how to set goals and how to practice? Trying to figure out what kind of musician you want to be? Watch a few Practice Thoughts.
Community Challenges are writing exercises to help you get into a regular habit of making music. I strongly recommend getting involved once you get through Music Theory for Guitar I and the first few Music Theory Monday or Music Theory for Guitar II lessons.
If you’re already familiar with the concepts in Music Theory for Guitar I, you can move straight on to Music Theory for Guitar II and Music Theory Monday (scroll down) or check out these lessons on your way there:
CAGED Basics II starts to show how the pentatonic scales overlay on top of the CAGED Shapes.
You may also enjoy an old segment called Patron Questions. These types of questions are now being answered live in my weekly Office Hours
Need encouragement? Check out Practice Thoughts
Music Theory for Guitar II takes the raw materials from MTFG I and shows you how chord progressions work, what it means to be in a key, and how to use that information to actually make music. I made this series as a more focused, detailed replacement the first 5 lessons of Music Theory Monday and I’ll update this page as more lessons are released.
Music Theory for Guitar II | 3 | 7th Chords (coming soon)
Music Theory for Guitar II | 4 | Chords in a Minor Key (coming soon)
Music Theory for Guitar II | 5 | Harmonic Minor (coming soon)
Music Theory for Guitar II | 6 | The V of vi Chord (coming soon)
Music Theory for Guitar II | 7 | Melodic Minor (coming soon)
Music Theory for Guitar II | 8 | The V of V Chord (coming soon)
Music Theory for Guitar II | 9 | Recap and relevance (coming soon)
The Music Theory Monday series is all about understanding and using music theory to make music.
MTM |02 is out of sequence from the rest of these videos, so you’re welcome to skip it and come back later! But click here if you wanna watch it.
MTM | 02 is an overview lesson about soloing using the CAGED System. If that sounds interesting, you can watch my CAGED Soloing series below. If these lessons are overwhelming or confusing, watch Music Theory Monday 17, 18, & 19 about Melody Making first, then these lessons will make much more sense. But I recommend watching all of Music Theory Monday for maximum comprehension.
MTM | 03: Major Key 7 Chords, In Order
Once you understand chords in a key and 7th chords, you’re free to explore the Rubik’s Cube Series, which is all about being able to take each CAGED Shape and morph it into Major, Minor, Diminished, Major 7, Dominant 7, Half Diminished, and Fully Diminished.
You may also enjoy this video about how to make chords in open D tuning
MTM | 16: Why Pentatonic? Part 2
Here is a similar lesson if you want more perspective
You’ve watched a lot of lessons, here are a few lessons to help you start to write your own music
Here is a series on using GarageBand. These skills should mostly translate to other recording softwares as well
Here is mini series on Bass Guitar that will make sense at this point and help with songwriting too