Live Stream Q&A
Read MoreSongwriting Stuff
Hi Everyone,
I am feeling so much better and I'm ready for a live lesson at 4PM pacific time TODAY.
I'm doing a lesson about songwriting - feel free to fire off songwriting-related questions below! Save your other questions for the Live Q&A on Thursday!
Read MoreBassline and Strumming
- I address Darko's question about playing basslines and strumming patterns simultaneously
- Recommended my bass guitar crash course on Patreon
- Highlighted the challenge of maintaining a drum beat while doing both
- Suggested starting with a bassline on the fourth beat and incorporating it at the end of a phrase
- Advised mastering the bassline first
- Emma asked about pinch and natural harmonics
- Demonstrated natural harmonics at the 12th fret and discussed their ease at 12th, 7th, and 5th frets
- Explained artificial harmonics using the 12th fret technique
- Mentioned Chad Atkins' fingerstyle technique and how distortion amplifies harmonics
Jazzy Rumba Backing Track
- Jeff inquired about a "Jazzy Rumba" style backing track
- Described the key features and demonstrated using a previous track
- Stressed recording drums first for rhythm consistency and demonstrated quantizing
- Emphasized the G chord with a root-fifth pattern for a Rumba feel
Rhythm and Singing
- Alj Son struggles with rhythm while singing and playing
- Suggested repetitive practice of the song's first part and breaking down difficult sections
Music Theory
- Pentatonic shapes are great for beginners and versatile
- Explained scales as music's foundation and the basics of triads
- CAGED shapes specific to guitar and suggested learning order
- Recommended octave shapes for memorizing the fingerboard
Applying CAGED System
- Rick struggles with moving the CAGED system to different keys
- Suggested mastering the key of G after C
- Recommended learning chord sets and focusing on keys that suit the lead singer's voice
Melody Making
- Yana seeks advice on melody making after finding a key and chords
- Advised watching my Melody Making series and Music Theory Monday series
G Pentatonic Scale
- Explained the G pentatonic scale using the CAGED system and demonstrated corresponding shapes on the fretboard
Read MoreBass Techniques and Vintage Guitar Insights
Pete Dawkins' Bass Journey: Pete bought a bass to enhance his timing and is working on string muting with adjustments to his bass setup.
Bass Muting Techniques: Muting bass strings using the left hand to press down on strings below the fretted note and the right hand for additional muting.
Guitar Action and String Buzz: Low action can cause string buzz and rattle, particularly on acoustic guitars. High action is preferred by louder players to avoid fret buzz.
Round Wound vs. Flat Wound Strings: Round wound strings produce a distinct sound, while flat wound strings are smoother and more muffled. The choice depends on the desired sound and genre.
Playing in Alternate Tunings (Drop D): Drop D tuning shifts the fretboard up two frets, offering unique sonic possibilities and requiring adjustments in chord shapes and finger positions.
Guitar String Gauges and Tone: I use various string gauges. Heavier gauges are forgiving but harder to play softly, while lighter gauges are easier to bend but need careful tuning.
Gibson ES-125: A Vintage Guitar Gem: The Gibson ES-125, especially the 3/4 size model, is valued for its vintage appeal. The speaker highlights its rarity and affordability compared to current market prices.
Vintage Guitar Prices and Preferences: Prices for vintage guitars like the ES-125 and ES-120 are high, though beat-up models might be more affordable. The speaker notes the significant cost of professional models like the ES-140.
The Quest for a Five-String Bass: I'm looking for a five-string bass for lower-range basslines, preferring models like the Fender Squire or Rick and Baker.
Duo Sonic Memories and Octave Pedals: I have memories of a Fender Duo Sonic with different pickguards and mention using an octave pedal to lower tones on a four-string bass.
Navigating Self-Doubt and Finding Fulfillment in Musicianship
Self-doubt and lack of motivation are common among musicians, and it's important not to dismiss oneself during these times. To reconnect with music, it helps to identify what aspects are meaningful, whether it's specific techniques, melodies, or listening experiences, and to focus on personal engagement rather than external validation.
Avoiding comparisons with other musicians and the pressure to constantly be productive is crucial to preventing self-doubt and fostering growth. Instead, focus on what brings joy and authenticity to the musical journey. Playing with others can be more engaging than playing alone, and developing intuitive skills alongside conscious thought can lead to more fulfilling performances. Musicianship is a personal path with no fixed route, and the most authentic music comes from expressing one's true self rather than following rigid rules.
Read MoreWrite Something with the Chords EM D C B7 in Any Order
Your personal skill level, comfort zone, and free time are all important considerations when approaching a Community Challenge - I’m not asking anyone to write a full song! I’m asking for whatever you have the time, mental bandwidth, and skill to accomplish in roughly two weeks.
If you end up writing ANYTHING, I consider that a huge success. Write SOMETHING. It could be just a simple chord progression you put together or a riff you came up with using a pentatonic scale. Use the writing prompt to guide you and watch my video if you need more ideas.
Read MoreLive Stream Q&A
Read MoreLive Stream Q&A
Read MoreWrite a Melody with Harmony
If you have a difficult time writing melodies and harmonies, here are some lessons that will be helpful:
Melody Making
Writing Harmonies
Your personal skill level, comfort zone, and free time are all important considerations when approaching a Community Challenge - I’m not asking anyone to write a full song! I’m asking for whatever you have the time, mental bandwidth, and skill to accomplish in roughly two weeks.
If you end up writing ANYTHING, I consider that a huge success. Write SOMETHING. It could be just a simple chord progression you put together or a riff you came up with using a pentatonic scale. Use the writing prompt to guide you and watch my video if you need more ideas.
Read MoreLive Stream Q&A
Read MoreHammer-On & Pull-Off Technique
Read MoreLive Stream Q&A
Read MoreHow To Navigate My Patreon (and have more fun learning)
In this stream I talked about how I want you to be a rebel and a "bad student."
I'm not grading your homework, I'm just trying to help you understand music theory and how it applies to guitar and to actually making music!
In this lesson I give you permission to skip ahead and learn about the broader context of music theory so that when you go back to the previous lessons they will actually make more sense. Do things out of order - search for the fun stuff to learn, then go back and learn the basics with more understanding.
Read MoreWrite Something with a Guitar Solo
Your personal skill level, comfort zone, and free time are all important considerations when approaching a Community Challenge - I’m not asking anyone to write a full song! I’m asking for whatever you have the time, mental bandwidth, and skill to accomplish in roughly two weeks.
If you end up writing ANYTHING, I consider that a huge success. Write SOMETHING. It could be just a simple chord progression you put together or a riff you came up with using a pentatonic scale. Use the writing prompt to guide you and watch my video if you need more ideas.
Read MoreLive Stream Q&A
Read MoreCAGED Soloing General Concepts
In this lesson we discussed general concepts around CAGED Soloing with the following concepts:
• Why the pentatonic scale is the best starting point (referring to modes, etc)
• How soloing over chord tones works
• How CAGED System makes the Chords in a Key transposable
• How chord progressions are absolutely fundamental to soloing over chord tones
Join me for a live lesson every Tuesday at 4PM from now on! If you can’t make it, that’s ok! You can always watch later. If you click the “YouTube” logo on the video, you’ll be able to watch the livestream on YouTube and that’s where you’ll have access to the live chat. Feel free to ask questions in the comments below or in the live chat, but keep in mind I’ll typically save all the questions for the end of the lesson.
Read MoreLive Stream Q&A
Read MoreMaking A Cover Song Interesting
Read MoreWrite Something Simple
I figured this would be a good place to start for the New Year.
Your personal skill level, comfort zone, and free time are all important considerations when approaching a Community Challenge - I’m not asking anyone to write a full song! I’m asking for whatever you have the time, mental bandwidth, and skill to accomplish in roughly two weeks.
If you end up writing ANYTHING, I consider that a huge success. Write SOMETHING. It could be just a simple chord progression you put together or a riff you came up with using a pentatonic scale. Use the writing prompt to guide you and watch my video if you need more ideas.
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