Live Lesson | 14

What Counts as a Scale in my Melody Making Rules?

In this stream, I got to show you a weird test graphic I made. I didn't end up using it for the lesson I made it for, but I still thought it was cool!

The graphic was showing how I think about scales when it comes to writing melodies. If you've seen my Melody Making Course, you know my basic melody writing guidelines:

1. Always start on a chord tone
2. If you skip notes, only skip from a chord tone TO another chord tone
3. If moving through the scale, keep going until you get to another chord tone

The trick with this third rule is that you can use the chromatic scale, the full scale, or the pentatonic scale whenever you feel like it, as long as you follow a couple guidelines I talk about in this video. I also attached a little graph below for a nice visual representation.

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Community Challenge | 70

Polish a Previous Challenge

Your personal skill level, comfort zone, and free time are all important considerations when approaching a Community Challenge - I’m not asking anyone to write a full song! I’m asking for whatever you have the time, mental bandwidth, and skill to accomplish in roughly two weeks.

If you end up writing ANYTHING, I consider that a huge success. Write SOMETHING. It could be just a simple chord progression you put together or a riff you came up with using a pentatonic scale. Use the writing prompt to guide you and watch my video if you need more ideas.


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Office Hours | 139
Community Challenge | 69

ONLY Write a Chord Progression

Make it as simple or interesting as possible. If you're just joining us, pick a few chords you like in a key! No melody, noIf you don't know how to do that yet, choose a few chords from one of the sets below:

G Am Bm C D Em F#°
C Dm Em F D Am B°
D Em F#m G A Bm C#°

If you're more advanced, try playing around with more interesting voicings, secondary dominants, modal progressions, and whatnot.

Your personal skill level, comfort zone, and free time are all important considerations when approaching a Community Challenge - I’m not asking anyone to write a full song! I’m asking for whatever you have the time, mental bandwidth, and skill to accomplish in roughly two weeks.

If you end up writing ANYTHING, I consider that a huge success. Write SOMETHING. It could be just a simple chord progression you put together or a riff you came up with using a pentatonic scale. Use the writing prompt to guide you and watch my video if you need more ideas.


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Live Lesson | 07

Melody Making Magic

We're going to explore some cool melody making concepts using the attached PDF.

This would be a great lesson to come back to after watching my Melody Making series

If you’re watching later and you still have questions, feel free to comment below or ask on the next Office Hours, every Thursday at 10am Pacific.

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Office Hours | 136