Live Stream | 46

Office Hours, Q&A

Question 1: Jeff had some questions about hybrid picking related to my CAGED Basics Series so I did some close up detailed stuff related to holding a pick, which fingers to use, ideal hand position, etc.

Question 2: Mr K had a question about how to memorize the circle of fifths in minor keys

Question 3: Frederic's question was similar to Mr K's. He wanted to know if there was a quick way to memorize the circle of fifths without having to write everything down.

Question 4: Emil was wondering about how to take a song idea and turn it into a full fledged song! I gave a few considerations AND recommended Ten Turds I & II and Songwriting process dump.

Question 5: Mateus had questions about mixing - specifically about what to use on the master bus. I talked a bit about how it works in the industry and why it will take a LOT of practice to get the hang of mixing

Question 6: Colin had a question in the chat about Dorian mode and how to tell if something is "in Dorian"

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Community Challenge | 04

Write something using 7th chords

This weeks challenge: Write something using 7th chords

This could be:

• A simple chord progression
• A simple chord progression, but played as arpeggios
• A combination of riffs and chords, as long as you use at least one 7th chord

• A whole or partial song using partly or mostly 7th chords! Bonus if you include the 7th of a chord in the melody

• Basically write whatever you want this week as long as it has some 7th chords

I want to keep it simple this week. If you haven't had a chance to participate, this is a great community challenge to start with.

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Live Stream | 45

Office Hours, Q&A

Question 1 Mr K wanted some ideas to help a friend stick with her guitar practice goals

Question 2 Leo from Florida was curious about a practice routine centered around a goal of playing with others in any key

Question 3 Jacko1014 wants to be able to play any chord. I recommend my Rubik's Cube series, but also Music Theory Mondayseries to help put that information in the right context

Question 4 Justplayandhavefun had some questions about Logic Pro and how to comp takes on guitar parts so they don't sound obvious

Question 5 Mateus had questions about string noise while recording. I offer some solutions

Question 6 Kylir was wondering how to play chords up the neck. I recommend Rubik's Cube AND CAGED Basics Series.

Question 7 Jeff had a question about why I labelled scales with CAGED shapes in my Music Theory for Guitar series. I gave some brief answers, but I'm going to have to go deeper as my CAGED videos get deeper and deeper.

Question 8 Frederic asked about MTFG 04 | Circle of Fifths, questions 3 and 4. I could work on the wording a little to be more clear, but we talk about it a bit.

Question 9 Aku wanted some specific ideas for how to make melodies over a specific chord progression and I gave a lot of suggestion for how to break down things.

Question 10 Mr K wanted a recommendation on practicing modes and I gave a fun exercise

Question 11 Frederic has some questions about how to write basic songs. I recommend MTM so you can get into writing chord progressions and writing melodies

Questions 12 Mateus had questions about some cool guitar pedals in the background

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CAGED System Basics | 04

A Shape

In this lesson we're talking about the A shape, which is linked to the C shape. Just like the previous lessons, we dive into the variety of triad voicings we can get out of the A Shape as well as the most common 4, 5, and 6 string versions of this movable chord shape. We also talk about how the A shape connects to the C shape and how you can get some interesting movement between the two shapes.

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Community Challenge | 03

Write A Riff For Your Song

This week will be fun but still a challenge. Your goal is to write a riff for at least a section of your creation.This could be interpreted as loosely as you like.

Here are a few ways to look at it:

1. Write an intro riff, then play a chord progression during a melody. If you don't feel comfortable singing OR you haven't delved into recording software, you could just write a riff followed by a chord progression in the same key.

2. Write a simple riff as a turn around/ending section of a chord progression. This could be as simple as Am Am Dm riff.

3. If you want to be more adventurous, you could write a chord progression with a melody over the top, then write a riff to replace the chords.

But what is a riff?
A riff is an incredibly vague term, which is great! It means this challenge might be based on your interpretation. Often the word "riff" is accompanied by another word to clarify it. For example, above I talked about an intro riff, a turn-around riff, a verse riff.

For an intro riff, your role is to take over the spotlight. That could be playing the melody the vocalist will be singing later in the song (maybe the chorus melody or part of it, for example)

For a turn around riff, your role is to (usually) turn attention away from the singer for a second or sort of let your audience know "we're going to repeat this section now" or "we're moving on to something new now."

For a verse riff, this could be thought of as a rhythmic figure that you play for each chord, kind of like a bass line. Specifically, you could write a bass line, but for guitar to play instead of chords! For example. You could play R 5 R 3 for each chord instead of actually strumming the chord and you'd be playing a riff instead of a rhythm part. If you're sticking to a set pattern per chord, I tend to think of that as a vamp, which is just a more specific term under the umbrella of "riff." But not everyone uses the word that specifically so watch out.

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CAGED System Basics | 03

C Shape

In this third installment of my CAGED Basics series, I show the similarities and differences between the D Shape and the C shape and how they are linked together to create an awesome map of roots, thirds, and fifths. We also work through some homework together AND I show some fun examples of how to practice the surprising variety of voicings you can play to a chord progression between these two shapes.

Post your homework and questions on the community forum and please post some audio or video of your practice sessions if you find some voicings of C and D shapes that you enjoy!

Here is the Jam Track: A Major I IV V IV Also attached below in mp3 form.

Once you're familiar with the relationship between these two shapes. move on to the A shape.

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Live Stream | 44

Office Hours, Q&A

This was a chill stream with some funky mishaps. Mainly, Ernie (our dog) is terrified of the very occasional fireworks so I had to take care of her a bit. Also, I took the sound absorption down in my room so it sounds echoey in here. Also, I just realized I spelled absorption as "absorbtion" during the stream. Whatever! Sometimes you have days like that.

Anyways, question 1 was from Mateus, who was wondering about some modal chord progression stuff. Apparently I already answered his question in Progressions that feel in Key

Question 2 was from Honiken. He wanted to have a better sense of how soloing over chords actually works. I recommended watching MTM 17, 18, and 19 about melody making, as well as my CAGED Soloing Series (I - ii, I - iii, I - VI) I also talked about the hierarchy of things to consider when soloing: chord tones, pentatonic, major/minor, chromatic. Check out the attached PDF of my notes for a little reference.

Honkinen also asked about wether or not you HAVE to learn other people's songs. No, you don't. But it's a nuanced "no."

Then I launched into a little discussion about the difference between sound proofing, sound absorption, and sound diffusion. This might be useful for those of you trying to get into recording or even just trying to make your cell phone voice memos sound a little better.

After that, Leo had a question about practice routine and we had some technical difficulties with chat (so sorry Leo!) but we got through it!

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CAGED System Basics | 02

D Shape

This is the second installment of my CAGED Basics series, where we focus on getting to know the D Shape. While this might seem like a simple concept at first, getting comfortable with the variety of voicings the D Shape has to offer can take a bit of work! The more time you spend getting to know each shape in this series, the easier it will be to move on to the next lesson.

This lesson is fairly straightforward, especially if you've already worked through my Music Theory for Guitar Course. Work through the homework with me and then try out the practice tracks - even tab out some of your own D shaped chord voicings! These concepts apply to rhythm guitar, soloing, and just general creative guitar knowledge. By the end of this series you'll have a much stronger sense of how to navigate the fingerboard. Look out for the next lesson, where we discuss the intricacies of the C shape and how it connects to the D shape.

Here is the jam track I used for this lesson: A Major I IV V IV

I've also attached an audio version of the jam track at a variety of speeds. You'll find it with the PDFs at the bottom of this page.

Post your homework and questions on the community forum. Also, if you come up with some nice D shape voicings during the practice session, please post what you find, whether that is an audio recording, video link, or tabs!

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Live Stream | 43

Office Hours, Q&A

This was a great Q&A Session. Here is what happened:

Question 1: Honkinen was wondering how to get the most out of a 2 hour break every day ay work. We talked about how to set goals and how to practice around them.

Question 2: Bill wanted to know how to practice singing and playing difficult parts simultaneously. I recommended a few things and gave a practice exercise that uses the "Eighth Note Strum Scratch Paper" - just ignore the instructions on the paper (or make your own scratch paper.)

Question 3: Dennis had some great questions about bending.

Question 4: Tasha had concerns about left hand discomfort and also muting with left hand during fingerpicking. Tasha, please post a video to the community forum when you can.

Question 5: Rene Lorelai posted some lovely reharmonization homework from MTM | 24 - Sounded lovely! Also, do you prefer to be called Rene or Lolelai or Rene Lorelai?

Question 6: Tyler had some questions about ear training! He uses this online quiz for solfege scale degrees and this one for intervals. I also touched on this website if you want songs to think of when trying to remember intervals.

Question 7: Justplayandhavefun was curious about the importance of learning to read sheet music. I went into the situations where you're likely to need to read music and where you're not. I recommend Mel Bay Modern Guitar Method Grade 1 for those who are interested in learning to read music.

Question 8: Mateus had some melody making homework to share from MTM | 19

Question 9: Riccardo had a chat question about Logic Pro fade tool. I suggested using automation and I showed how to use it!

Question 10: Davin had a question about the III chord in harmonic minor - does it have to be augmented? Can it be augmented? What do you do with it?

From there the Q&A turned into a little more of a hangout (fun!) and there were a few questions in there.

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MTM | 24

Reharmonization Basics

This is a lot more fun than it sounds! In this lesson, I take a simple tune (Twinkle Tinkle) and completely rearrange the chords. This is your entry into reharmonization! Check out the Cheat Sheet, the Scratch Paper, and jam tracks that go with this lesson.

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Live Stream | 42

Office Hours, Q&A

This was an interesting stream! I didn't get a lot of question this time, so I decided to write some music and that sparked some more discussion and questions.

Question 1: Leah Nicole asked about the difference between a Jazz Bass and a Precision Bass. This sparked some discussion of other related topics

Question 2: Mr K asked about Ear Training resources online and I somehow missed it! Sorry about that. I recommend checking out this website. There are others out there but this one looks good for:

a) listening to and identifying intervals (scroll down to "interval ear training")

b) listening to and identifying scales

c) listening to and identifying chords (they call a fully diminished chord a "diminished 7th")

d) other cool stuff! Explore and check it out - tell me what you think in the comments.

Question 3: Mr K asked in the chat about how tone woods affect guitar tone in both acoustic and electric guitars.

Thing: There were no more prepared questions so I started writing some music

Question 4: Brian had a question about GarageBand but I interpreted it as a question about the variety of inputs on an audio interface: hi-z guitar input, mic input, and line level inputs. Then I answered Brians actual question about GarageBand track types.

Question 5: I used the camera guitar to talk about the chords in my progression, which are Em and F. I figured out some interesting voicings of an Em7 and Fmaj7 to play on my track.

I record guitar harmonies. This track ended up being a fun adventure with guitar harmonies and there were a few questions about it, but I basically just went for it and wrote out some guitar choir. The first set of harmonies were a simple choir of notes that harmonize, then I tried to get fancy and harmonize the bass line which proved to be difficult but super fun.

I wrote out my harmonies on my notes AND attached the little jam below.

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MTM | 23

Minor Progressions that Feel in Key

In this lesson, I'm taking a similar approach to the previous lessons, MTM 21 & 22. I'm exploring which chords feel good together and then how to substitute or add in funkier chords to spice up your progressions. Minor Keys have a lot of variations and alterations, not to mention the modal options we cover, so this one is heavy.

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Live Stream | 41

Office Hours, Q&A

Question 1. Mr K wanted to know if there is a way to figure out the key of a song using just the melody instead of using the chords. There totally is a way!

Questions 2 & 3 Ray and Andrew had some questions about playing with other people. I launch into some tips for band management, how to organize your group, how to prepare for playing with others, and a handful of other ideas.

Question 4. Dennis was wondering why it's easier to play strumming patterns to a metronome or foot tap than it is to play with a jam track. We get into it, but I recommend watching questions 2 & 3 first!

Question 5. Kevin Z was wondering about some of my daily warm ups.

Question 6. Brandon had some follow up questions about ear training and how to go about practicing and training your ear.

I also issued a challenge related to the 1st question. I want to see if you can figure out the key of songs using the WWHWWWH method and I'm devoting this community forum thread to it. Try it out! I'll attach some scratch paper.

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MTM | 22

Progressions That Feel In Key, Pt 2

In this lesson we continue where we left off on the previous lesson: Taking basic Major Key chord progressions and substituting chords to make the progression more interesting.

We go a step further in this lesson with secondary dominants and how to make them feel like they belong in the key, as well as some mixolydian substitutions. We talk a bit about Lydian substitutions too.

This whole lesson is about exploring and getting to know the Major Key. At the end you get a nice little cheat sheet for writing major chord progressions. Hopefully with this lesson and the previous one you'll have a little more familiarity with how to make a major chord progression "feel" like it's in key, or you'll be able to deliberately muddy the waters if you don't want it to be obvious which key you're in.

General homework ideas for the community forum:

1. Write some basic 7th chord progressions that convince the listener you're in right key

2. Write some chord progressions that muddy the waters so your listener might struggle to figure out the key

3. Write some basic progressions using I IV V, then substitute for relative minors. THEN, on a second line, swap out the diatonic (standard) chords for a few others (like secondary dominants or mixolydian stuff.)

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Live Stream | 40

Office Hours, Q&A

Question 1: Leah Nicole was wondering if there were anything to consider or watch out for when writing a melody over a walking bass line.

Question 2: Taco s wanted to know about jamming with someone and if there was a quick way to figure out the chords in a minor key, like A Minor. I gave a little demonstration of the concepts I laid out in Moveable Chords-in-a-key finder.

Question 3: Rene was wondering about the pros and cons of a particular fingerpicking technique AND about the minor iv chord that ends up in a major key like in Creep by Radiohead.

I paused to give a book recommendation. For those of you feeling timid, scared, or unworthy of being an "artist" or calling yourself a "musician," I highly recommend you check out this book, The Artists Way.

Question 4: Leo was wondering - can you just use ANY voicing you want anywhere on the neck for any song (essentially) - the answer is fun and complicated. Check out SPJ Rhythm Jam Tracks for practicing.

Question 5: Kevin wants to know when we can use 7th, 9th, 11th, and 13th chords - and we also end up talking about sus chords.

Question 6: Andy would like to know how to practice Rubik's Cube stuff. I also recommend SPJ Jam Tracks.

I start writing a little music. Just something simple to jam out on for a bit.

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MTM | 21

Progressions That Feel In Key

Writing chord progressions is (in my opinion) at the core of understanding music theory, making sense of ear training, and learning to write music. In this lesson, I talk about how the simple set of 7 chords (I ii iii IV V vi vii°) can sometimes lead you to astray and make your audience think you're NOT in the key you intended to be. I experiment with how to make a chord progression "feel" like it's in the right key

This lesson will hopefully give you a better understanding of and more familiarity with the Major Key. You'll also get a better sense of how to write chord progressions that pull the listener to the I chord, and you'll have a nice writing method where you start with a basic progression and then substitute chords to make it more interesting.

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Live Stream | 39

Office Hours, Q&A

Question 1: Pauly was wondering why scale patterns on guitar don't always start and end on root notes.

Question 2: Kevin is having difficulty with A Shaped bar chords, so I troubleshoot the various things that make the A shaped bar chord tricky

Question 3: Mateus "jokingly" asks how to build a guitar from sticks in the woods and I ended up just showing some pictures of guitars I've made.

Question 4: Barry wanted to know if I'll be doing more Rubik's Cube style lessons - I'm considering it (but Barry, if you want to tell me more specifically what you want out of those lessons, let me know)

Question 5: Kevin would like to solo and combine chords! I give some ideas for how to practice.

Question 6: Russ was wondering if there was a more visual or obvious way to navigate my content. I have the Lesson Archive but I'm considering another approach on my website.

Question 7: Riccardo wanted to know what kind of maintenance I do on my guitars - not much, but I did talk a bit about truss rod adjustment AND adjusting intonation

Question 8: Davin had some questions about DAWs and how to tell if you're singing in tune. I came up with some weird fun vocal exercises to get you more comfortable with controlling the pitch of your voice.

Question 9: Vinícius wanted to know if it was worth it to get a bass - my answer is pretty much always yes. Playing bass helps you understand guitar better. Playing guitar helps you understand bass better.

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CAGED System Basics | 01

CAGED Overview

This lesson kicks off my new CAGED System Basics series. In this overview lesson I give you a sense of what we'll be working on over the next handful of lessons in the series. Check out the PDF as well!

The following lessons will have homework sheets to help you visualize the concepts AND play along practice tracks for you to explore and experiment with using CAGED shapes in your own way!

The general idea of this series is to get you really comfortable with:

a) what the CAGED System is at it's core

b) how to get familiar with the 5 shapes

c) playing rhythm parts up the neck AND knowing their shape names

I highly recommend you watch the Music Theory for Guitar Series before getting into this series, otherwise you might get a little lost.

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