These lessons cover the basics of writing music, from melody making, to strumming, to basic recording.
Scroll down to follow along the Basic Music Writing path and use the following helpful links if you get stuck, or need a brief change of pace:
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Need some encouragement?
I might have a Practice Thought lesson just for you. Check out the series here.
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Community Challenges
Now that you’ve completed the Essentials Path, you have everything you need to START writing music. Definitely work through the lessons below on melodies, strumming patterns, and basic recording software, but the best way to get good at writing music is to start RIGHT NOW at your current skill level, even if you don’t have enough knowledge to put together a full song. Patrons are encouraged to share what they write on the community forum.
My philosophy is simple:
Form the habit of writing SOMETHING on a regular basis. Not a full song, just SOMETHING.
Once you form the habit, gradually manipulate your habit by ADDING something new to the writing process you’ve developed. Over time, writing a full song will be more and more achievable.
My biweekly Community Challenges are an open invitation to write SOMETHING. If you’ve finished the Essentials path, you have enough knowledge to write a chord progression.
Here are a few challenges to get you started:
Community Challenge | 59
Write Something Using G Am Em D
Melody Making
This course helps you understand the basics of how melody making. I’d like to add more lessons, but it’s a fantastic starting point.
Strumming Patterns
This course will help you understand how to write your own strumming patterns, a necessary skill for writing music
You can make great recordings with your phone or tablet, but if you want to record multiple layers, make your own drum beats, and learn how to use recording software, GarageBand is a fantastic starting point. If you’re on PC, the general concepts will work, but check out this discussion thread (link) to find the best software for you and get help from other PC folks.
Now that you’ve made it through my “Music Writing“ collection and have a better understanding of melody making, strumming, and basic recording, take some time to consider what topics you’re most interested in pursuing from here.