#1. Start here with a basic understanding of what a pentatonic scale is and how to play it on the guitar. I didn’t mention it in the video, but this is the G Shaped pentatonic scale, covered further down in “How to use the CAGED system to play a SOLO.”
#2. Before we get too technical with more shapes and scales, learn how to have some fun! This lesson will help you take a scale and learn how to make it sound more interesting - more melodic and more like a solo.
#3. Watch this one next to get a better grasp of how to solo in major keys up and down the fingerboard, using the 5 CAGED shapes.
#4. Once you start getting comfortable with CAGED shapes in the major key, its time to learn about the minor root notes in the key.
#5. This lesson is actually the more complicated lesson of the bunch. I’m working on a whole series of lessons to clarify the concepts in this video.