Melody Making | 04

Multiple Chords

In this lesson, we're taking the rules from the previous lesson and applying them to multiple chords, paying close attention to the transfer points between chords.

Check out the PDF below to follow along and study the phrases we cover in this lesson.

The homework is in three sections, and I've attached a separate jam track for each section. Feel free to write more than 12 phrases if you want more practice!

Also, you can use this jam track from my SPJ Jam tracks channelfor homework 1 if you want to.

Post your homework (or just record your favorite phrases) to the community forum.

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Live Stream | 127

Relative Major and Minor, CAGED Diminished Chords, Tricky Chord Progressions

You missed this one! Catch the next one. Here were the questions:

Question 1: John had a question about relative major and minor.

Question 2: Alice had a series of questions about how CAGED fits with diminished and augmented chords, dorian mode, double sharps, and a few other things.

Question 3: Graeme had a fun puzzle about wether a chord progression was in B Dorian or E Mixolydian

Question 4: Holly was basically wondering about how to write melodies on guitar. My Melody Making course is about the theory behind melodies, and my CAGED Soloing series is more about applying melody concepts to the fingerboard.

Question 5: Adam had a few questions and I did a little brief lesson on modes

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Live Stream | 26

James Taylor, Diminished Chords, 7 String, Singing

Hi Everyone,

The question this time:

Mason had a question about James Taylor talking about "being in A position or D position" with a capo

Ray had a question about diminished chords, and another question about fingerpicking patterns.

Markus asked if I was going to teach some 7 string lessons. I'm not.

Jeff asked for some general singing tips, but I initially mistook the question to be specifically about solfege 

Catch the next one on Thursday at 10AM

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Band Thoughts | 02

Playing with Others

Before we talk about where to find people to play with, we have to talk about HOW to actually play with others. This video starts by examining the dynamic between two people using the "Leader" and "Follower" concept. Then we move into the idea of playing with a group - what to expect, how to fit in, and how the leader/follower dynamics get a little more complicated.

Do you prefer one role over the other? Are you better at following or leading? Have you had a jam session or rehearsal yet? Are you someone who has never played with anyone before? Feel free to share your experience and your own tips in the comments.

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Live Stream | 125

Favorite Guitars, Loop Pedals, Recording Vocals, Ukuleles

Here were the questions this week:

Question 1: Ray was wondering what my favorite guitars are, if there are low budget versions, and what other gadgets were useful.

Question 2: Jonatan had questions about loop pedals - how to start layering and adding bass lines and melodies.

Question 3: Jeff was wondering how to set up to record vocals and how to practice singing, though I forgot the second part of your question, Jeff! Sorry about that.

Question 4: Tobias had questions about ukuleles - strings, models, tuning, chords, etc.

Catch the next one to ask your own questions!

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Live Stream | 124

What To Do Now That You've Recorded Songs!

The questions for this week:

Tasha had questions about Mastering, releasing music, marketing, etc - what to do once you HAVE the recordings.

Archer had questions about microphones and how to properly record a band rehearsal with one or two mics.

Ray asked about songs with only one chord, vamping, and block chords

Andy was wondering why I always specify "half diminished" instead of "diminished triad"

David asked what is the best way to get better and how many hours should I practice?

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Melody Making | 03

Rules For Chords

In this lesson, we're tackling my three rules for melody making over chords:

1. Always start a phrase on a chord
2. If moving in skips, only skip from a chord tone to another chord tone.
3. If moving in steps, continue moving in steps until you reach another chord tone.

As usual, these are guidelines that are often broken in the "real world" but please, for the duration of this course, treat them like rules until I say otherwise!

In the next lesson, we'll be applying these concepts to multiple chords, which will REALLY open the curtain into the world of melody making.

Follow along with the PDF attached below.

Practice writing phrases over a single chord, using the "homework" section of the PDF. I've provided some jam tracks for you to practice hearing your phrases over the chord. Post your written OR recorded phrases to the community forum.

Jam Tracks are also attached!

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Band Thoughts | 01

Starting A Band/Band Models

I'm doing the editing myself for a few months here while I have Luke (my amazing video editor) work on YouTube videos a little more. I decided to have a little fun and lean into it - I hope you enjoy change of pace. Also it was like 90 degrees in my office while I was filming so enjoy my misery haha.

Anyhow, I wanted to kick off the series with an overview of the main two polar opposite band models: The Democratic Model & The Band Leader Model. I also discuss the importance of talking about money and having an agreement early on in the process to avoid resentment and frustration. This overview serves as a big-picture reminder of how the more detail-oriented lessons fit together as we move along.

The goal of the series is to both prepare new folks for playing with other people AND give seasoned bandmates some useful stuff to think about.

I'm also considering interviewing musician friends about their experience learning to play with other people, especially in specific helpful ways for those of you who haven't gotten started yet. If you'd like that, let me know.

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Live Stream | 123

Polyrhythms, 12 Strings, Open Mics, Downward Slides, Pain While Playing

Ray asked about polyrhythms, vertical vs horizontal scales, and 12 string guitars.

Wayne followed up about an open mic that went really well AND asked about downward sliding vs upward sliding.

Mateus was experiencing some pain while playing guitar.

STI asked about relative minors - not fully understanding.

Jeff has chord changes and lyrics and was wondering how to get a complete song from here.

You missed this one! Look out for the next one!

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Melody Making | 02

Basic Phrases

Now that you've been listening more closely to phrases, it's time to practice writing your own! This lesson talks about skips, steps, and repeats and gives you a nice starting point for writing your own phrases. Check out the PDF, and post your homework to the community forum via post Melody Making 02 | Basic Phrases

HOMEWORK - Writing basic phrases

• Practice making phrases using the diagrams on the PDF (attached at bottom of post)

Your phrases must all follow these rules:
1. Use no more than 7 notes
2. Stay within an octave
3. Experiment with a mix of skips and steps
4. Experiment with repeating notes
5. Experiment with long and short notes
6. Share your favorite 3 phrases with the community

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Live Stream | 121

Small Hand Help, Tracking Progress, Open Mics, What To Play When People Ask

Question 1 - Jesse asked for some tips for small handed folks

Question 2 - Wayne asked two questions: How to track progress and how to start playing with other people. I'm starting a little series about playing with other people

Question 3 - Ray asked how not to panic and draw a blank when someone asks you to play something!

Question 4 - Jeffrey asked how to properly copyright a song

Question 5 - Mark asked how to visualize triads on the fingerboard

Question 6 - Jeff asked for tips on mixing vocals in a DAW

Question 7 - we just kind of hung out for a while and I asked for feedback on Patreon layout and stuff

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Melody Making | 01


Welcome to Melody Making! In my opinion, this is one of the most overlooked, under-explained aspects of music education. Melody making involves all the most important ethereal stuff in music: repetition, arrangement, holistic attention - but it also requires specific and clear music theory understanding when it comes to keys, scales, and chord progressions.

By the end of this course, you'll have a better sense of how to make melodies AND how to apply these concepts to other areas of musicianship.

Recommended prerequisites:
- Music Theory for Guitar
- Music Theory Monday lessons 1, 3, 4, 5

Listening for this lesson:
"Hey, Good Lookin'" by Hank Williams •SPOTIFY• •YOUTUBE
"Ain't No Sunshine" by Bill Withers •SPOTIFY• •YOUTUBE
"Two of Us" by The Beatles •SPOTIFY• •YOUTUBE

The homework for this lesson:

Pick 5 songs
• Analyze either the verse or chorus melody
• Label the melodic phrases with A, B, C etc
• Phrases that seem the same to you should be labeled with the same letter (eg A and A or B and B)
• Make note of phrases that are NOT the same, but sound similar.

Remember, the goal of this lesson is to practice listening and writing down what you hear. You don't have to be right or wrong, just try to come up with reasons WHY you labeled phrases the way you did. This is one of those situations where you have to learn to swim by jumping in the pool.

Post your marked-up lyrics to the community forum on Melody Making 01.

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Live Stream | 120

Melody Writing, Ranting, How to Start Writing Music

This week was very interesting! I ranted a lot about a few thing I'm very passionate about. I hope it helps a few people.

Question 1 was from Wayne, who asked about Melody Writing which is great because I'm working on a course for that exact topic.

Question 2 from Richard REALLY got me going! He asked if it was important to know how to play all the major and minor scales without having to think about it. My answer was a big long "it depends" that hopefully resonates with everyone wondering what to do right now.

Question 3 from Daniel was an update about a gig last weekend and a question about how to start writing music. Step 1: accept that you're not starting by writing whole songs and 2: get involved with Community Challenges.

Question 4 antcav had a question about how to practice getting into 8th and 16th notes in solos. I mentioned a philosophical concept called "Logical Positivism" which I probably didn't describe accurately, but I think it worked in my analogy!

Question 5 Jeff asked if there is basic interval to maintain between the bass and guitar - a general range for each instrument in a tune

Question 6 I accidentally switched to iPad instead of computer screen while reading Phils question : Is it important to know every basic guitar shape in every position?

Question 7 b b asked my opinion on the best digital amps

Question 8 b b asked my preferred type of reverb - plate, room, hall, spring, other?

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Live Stream | 119

CAGED, Syncopation, Bending Noise, Performing, Vocal Range

Ray had questions about 1. wether I'm doing another CAGED series 2. syncopation and 3. Jimi hendrix timing and 4. the best place to do double stops

Wayne had a question about bending, specifically string noise when bending the high E string

Daniel asked for advise on performing this weekend

Mason had questions about using a capo to adjust the key of a song

Gary asked how to find our vocal range

Jeff asked how to harmonize a written melody

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Lesson 11 | Full Circle

This is it! The final CAGED Basics II lesson!

In this lesson, we start by sliding a pentatonic scale through multiple positions, talking a little about how useful this kind of thing can be for soloing. Then we move into the play-along tune. First, I play through the tune, then I walk you through the variety of shapes and finger choices for each phrase of the tune.

Download the PDF and follow along with the lesson. Use the BPM tracks below to practice the tune. Start slow and work your way up.

Play along tracks:
70BPM  (good goal)
80BPM  (very nice goal)
90BPM  (wow impressive goal)
100BPM (bonus points)

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Community Challenge | 63

Write a melody to poetry

The video gives you plenty of ideas, but the general principals are:

1. Find the meter of the poem - if it's a sonnet, it'll be If it's in common meter, it'll be but you'll likely find all kinds of things in the list of poems below.

2. Once you find the meter, write a chord progression - or at least pick a key and try writing a phrase to the first line of the poem.

3. Write a new phrase for your second line, or repeat your first line again (aka repeat your A phrase or turn it into a B phrase)

4. Arrange your phrases however you deem appropriate. Common Meter lends itself to a melodic structure like ABAC or ABCB, or even just ABAB because the lines are, and sonnet meter (, also called "iambic pentameter") is a little more forgiving - you could do AAAA or AABB or AABC. In general, the options are much more open ended when your poems have an even meter like or

Keep in mind, the poems I've linked below are written in an antiquated version of English - sometimes that actually takes the pressure away because it sounds kind of silly and impersonal. Scroll through a few of these poems, count the meter yourself (like I did in the video) and see which poem you can imagine having a melody.

Post your melodies to the community forum and remember: these should be more like napkin sketches than full songs - no need to try too hard or get anything perfect. The goal is to practice and have fun.

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Live Stream | 118

Playing With Other People, Writing Music to Lyrics, Sweep Picking, Playing Musically

Ray asked if it was important to play with other people and what to do if you can't find people to play with.

Jeff provided some lyrics and asked for tips on how to put music to lyrics

Ray says "please explain the mysteries of sweep picking"

Wayne asked about how to play more musically

Daniel was looking for tips on how to use the CAGED System to solo over the song "Dreams" by Fleetwood Mac

Luke asked about bluegrass flatpicking - what is it and how does it work?

Aaron asked what "playing in the pocket" means

Daniel asked if I could break down Valerie by Amy Winehouse for a solo as well.

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Home Recording Studio: Pros & Cons

Hi Everyone,

In this lesson I'm tackling an important question: should you learn to record yourself? If so, how involved should you get? Should every musician have a home studio or should every musician go to their local pro studio for recording?

I compare the cost of home recording vs the cost of pro studios, how much time it takes to learn to record at home, how to prepare for a recording studio session, and just generally what to expect depending on what path you choose.

What kind of person are you? Are you more of a DIY home studio person or would you prefer to book studio time with a professional engineer?

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