Live Stream | 107

Bill Withers, Practice Tracks, Creativity, String Gauge

Great stream, as usual. Lots of great questions. Here they are:

Sirot had some questions about the chord progression for Bill Withers' Just the Two of Us 

D B had a question about wether I had more practice jam tracks than just C Major and A Minor

Harsh was wondering about a good approach to the creative sections of MTFG and CAGED Basics

Mateus was having issues with a guitar after switching from 10 gauge to 12 gauge strings.

Graeme wanted my take on the issue of hanging guitars. I just realized that I've only ever used "String Swing" brand guitar hangers and I've never had an issue, but I remembered there are some cheaper brands of floor stand that have caused issues for other people's guitars.

Stevie wanted advice on 1) recording guitar amps and 2) setting up a pedal board in the ideal arrangement.

D B was lookingfor good sheet music resources online. I like for the classics and google image searching "*name of jazz standard* Real book" and seeing if I can find something printable.

Ahmed was feeling overwhelmed by the idea of having to learn all new riffs for each mode.

Jeffery wanted to know if it's alright to practice with a mixer, or do you need to hear the room?

Ray had some questions about fingerstyle technique - pinky plant or not?

Graeme and Ray had questions about more fingerpicking lessons AND using a THUMB PICK. 

D B asked about private lessons - do I do them anymore?