Live Stream | 91

Song Structure & Soling Over Minor Keys

Question 1: Hal was curious about my Fender Musicmaster - why do I like it?

Question 2: Mark-R was wondering about song structure, specifically how to write a second part once you have a good first part. While each song is different and requires a different approach, I think my "descriptive" method is a nice tool.

Question 3: Jonathan was curious about how to solo over minor keys. I couldn't quite understand the specifics of the question, but I think CAGED Soloing and MTM 17, 18, and 19 will help you understand melodies, 

Question 4: Fred asked what kind of progress to expect as an older learner, practicing every day. Always set goals.

Question 5: ConvexFX wanted to know how I learned guitar? Who were my idols? Did I start with CAGED?

Question 6: Mathias Horn had questions about thumb placement - Where is it supposed to be when you're playing?

Question 7: Tropf was wondering if I play in a band (I do, called Hot Bodies in Motion) and why I don't post more on YouTube!

Question 8: Ahmed was looking for tips on recording voice and guitar simultaneously.

Question 9: Kaj just finished MTFG Minor Scales and was trying to make sense of my CAGED labels for each scale. I gave some explanation, but CAGED Basics I and IIwill start making more sense.