Songwriting | 06

Lyrics with Ben | Three Prong Writing

This lesson is a little different. It's a conversation with my friend and bandmate, Ben Carson. This is hopefully the first of many conversations. Let me know if you'd like me to continue this conversation and get more specific about each of these lyric writing prongs. Next time we'll be able to capture better audio as well - something didn't work right this time!

Ben and I wrote all the songs for our band, Hot Bodies in Motion. I wrote mostly music - bringing sketches of verse and chorus and sometimes more - and Ben wrote the lyrics (and massaged, changed, or rewrote my melodies to fit his voice.)

This video is hopefully the first of many videos about writing lyrics. Even if you are not interested in writing lyrics, this still might be useful if you'd like to be a good bandmate in the future. Also, this discussion might help you start thinking about how to start building writing habits around music as well.