Winter "Live" Lesson | 02
Winter Live 25- Thumb.jpg

Movable Chords-in-a-Key Finder Using Bar Chords

This holiday season is the weirdest I've ever dealt with. I'm not able to live stream right now due to being out of town and in quarantine, but I'll still me putting out lessons in place of the live streams over the next few weeks on top of the usual Monday content.

In this lesson, I talk about handy I-IV-V shapes on the E and A strings and how they link together to create this easy-to-remember shape for quick chord progression writing.

Then I dig into an approach on songwriting: rapid fire, timed songwriting blips. I don't call them that in the video, but thats essentially what they are. Quick primordial song stuff. Basically it's about practicing the essential elements of songwriting and being quick about it.