Jam track for playing drums over a I - ii progression in the key of A Major, not that the key or chords matter too much for drums HA GEAR: Guitar: 1971 Fender Musicmaster Pickup: Kinman Punktang Amp: Supro Titan Mic: Sennheiser e609 Preamp: A Designs P-1 Bass: 1973 Fender Musicmaster Bass Amp: Ampeg Micro VR Mic: Shure Beta 52a Preamp: Beta 52a Piano: KONTAKT The Gentleman Recorded on Logic Pro X www.scottpauljohnson.com
90BPM Jam over a i - IV progression in the key of B Flat Minor. Made possible by the melodic minor scale or dorian mode. This progression is very common in funk and disco music. The chords are B flat Minor and E flat Major, which is a dominant chord in this situation.
Jam track for playing drums. Its a i - VI progression in the key of B Minor, if you'd like to know.
Jam track for playing drums. If you must know, its a I - IV progression in the key of C Major. Guitar: 1971 Fender Musicmaster Pickup: Kinman Punktang Bass: 1973 Fender Musicmaster Bass - picked Preamp: A Designs P-1 direct in Piano: KONTAKT The Grandeur www.scottpauljohnson.com
Funky jam track for practicing drums. A i - iv progression in the key of C Minor GEAR: Guitar: 1971 Fender Musicmaster Pickup: Kinman Punktang Strings: Half round 12s Bass: 1973 Fender Musicmaster Bass www.scottpauljohnson.com
Jam track for playing drums. If you must know, its a I - vi progression in the key of C Major GEAR: Guitar: 1971 Fender Musicmaster Pickup: Kinman Punktang Amp: Supro Titan Mic: Sennheiser e609 Preamp: A Designs P-1 Bass: 1973 Fender Musicmaster Bass Strings: Flatwound Amp: Ampeg Micro-VR Mic: Shure Beta 52a Preamp: A Designs P-1 PIano: KONTAKT The Gentleman www.scottpauljohnson.com
Play drums over a i - VII progression in the key of E Minor at 120 bpm The chords are E Minor and D Major, or Em and D.
Jjam track is for drum practice. If you need to know, its a I - V progression in the key of F Major. GEAR: Guitar: 1959 Gibson ES-125T 3/4 Pickup: Lollar P-90 Amp: Supro Titan Mic: Sennheiser e609 Preamp: A Designs P-1 Bass: 1973 Fender Music Master www.scottpauljohnson.com
Play drums over a i - III progression in the key of F Minor. The i chord is F Minor (Fm) and the III chord is A flat major (Ab).
Jam track for practicing drums over a I - iii progression in the key of G Major GEAR: Guitar: 1971 Fender Musicmaster Pickup: Kinman Punktang Strings: Half round 12s Amp: Supro Titan Mic: Avantone CR-14 Preamp: A Designs P-1 Bass: 1973 Fender Musicmaster Bass Strings: Flatwound Amp: Ampeg Micro-VR Mic: Shure Beta 52a Preamp: A Designs P-1 www.scottpauljohnson.com
Practice drums over a i -v progression in the key of G Minor The chords are G Minor and D Minor, or Gm and Dm.
Jam track for practicing drums over a i - V progression in the key of A Minor 100 BPM GEAR: Guitar: 1971 Fender Musicmaster Pickup: Kinman Punktang Strings: Half round 12s Amp: Supro Titan Mic: Sennheiser e609 Preamp: A Designs P-1 Bass: 1973 Fender Musicmaster Bass Strings: Flatwound Preamp: A Designs P-1 (DI with Logic Bass Amp Modeling) Piano: KONTAKT The Maverick www.scottpauljohnson.com