Also, check out the pdf formatted for this page below.


The Basic Shapes


All chords are made of individual notes. On guitar, the open chord shapes are the result of plotting out where those notes are.


Mapping Out Chords Up The Neck


C, A, G, E, and D shapes appear in order when you map out all the notes in a chord on every string.


CAGED Pentatonic Scales


Major Pentatonic Root Notes


Minor Pentatonic Root Notes




Print out the included “Guitar Note Name Scratch Paper.”

  1. Circle all the names of the notes in a particular chord and notice the CAGED shapes up and down the neck.

  2. Circle the root notes of a major minor key you would like to practice. Then write in the appropriate scale shapes. Play the scales to confirm they sound like you might expect.

  3. Circle just the root notes of a scale and try to visualize where to play the appropriate scale shape associated with that root note.


What's Next?


If you’ve made it through this lesson and homework, congrats!

The concepts in this lesson are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to applying music theory to the guitar. If you were a fan of the methodology and presentation in this lesson, I have dozens of videos on my Online Guitar School covering all of these topics in great detail, as well as many others.

I’m now offering a 7 day FREE trial period for my Online Guitar School!

Examples of Available Lessons Include:

Music Theory For Guitar

A 7 Part Music Theory Course, Designed for Guitar Players

For many people, music theory can be a scary concept, which is why I’ve produced a course specifically designed for guitar players who want to learn music theory. This course breaks things down into the smallest possible pieces so that everyone can understand not just what music theory is, but how to actually use it on the guitar. My Music Theory for Guitar course teaches:

  1. Major Scales

  2. Minor Scales

  3. Intervals

  4. Circle of Fifths

  5. Major Triads

  6. Minor Triads

  7. Diminished & Augmented Triads

The CAGED System

A series of courses covering the CAGED system and how to use it to navigate the fingerboard.

  • CAGED Basics I

  • CAGED Basics II

  • CAGED Soloing

Recording Basics

A series of courses designed to introduce guitar player to the basics of recording yourself at home.

  • GarageBand Basics

  • Song Seed Creation

  • Jam Track Creation

  • Home Recording Studios

Weekly Live Stream Q&A

Every week, I host a private live stream video lesson, where members can join in and ask questions about guitar, music theory, songwriting, or whatever else might come up!

  • Submit Questions

  • Chat in Real Time

  • Suggest Discussion Topics

  • Explore Anything Related to Music and Guitar

  • Have Fun With The Community!

For more information about courses offered on my Patreon: