Before we talk about where to find people to play with, we have to talk about HOW to actually play with others. This video starts by examining the dynamic between two people using the "Leader" and "Follower" concept. Then we move into the idea of playing with a group - what to expect, how to fit in, and how the leader/follower dynamics get a little more complicated.
Do you prefer one role over the other? Are you better at following or leading? Have you had a jam session or rehearsal yet? Are you someone who has never played with anyone before? Feel free to share your experience and your own tips in the comments.
I'm doing the editing myself for a few months here while I have Luke (my amazing video editor) work on YouTube videos a little more. I decided to have a little fun and lean into it - I hope you enjoy change of pace. Also it was like 90 degrees in my office while I was filming so enjoy my misery haha.
Anyhow, I wanted to kick off the series with an overview of the main two polar opposite band models: The Democratic Model & The Band Leader Model. I also discuss the importance of talking about money and having an agreement early on in the process to avoid resentment and frustration. This overview serves as a big-picture reminder of how the more detail-oriented lessons fit together as we move along.
The goal of the series is to both prepare new folks for playing with other people AND give seasoned bandmates some useful stuff to think about.
I'm also considering interviewing musician friends about their experience learning to play with other people, especially in specific helpful ways for those of you who haven't gotten started yet. If you'd like that, let me know.