Scott Paul Johnson - Guitar Lessons in Seattle

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MTM | 35

13th Chords

We're tackling the final boss of extended chords: the 13th chord. 

This is the final boss because we don't have any more notes to add to a chord after the 13th. Sure, there are some jazz substitutions that include notes outside the scale, but we won't be going there with this course.

When it comes to diatonic chords (ie chords using only notes from the key you're in) the 13th chord represents the use of all available notes.

In this lesson we start with the rigid concept, then break it down into a more broad idea that musicians typically interact with.

If you find more voicings other than the ones I diagramed in the PDF, feel free to post them on the community forum (bug me if you don't see a link here.)

If you have more questions, feel free to ask me on the next Office Hours.