Scott Paul Johnson - Guitar Lessons in Seattle

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Office Hours, Q&A

This was a great Q&A!

Question 1 was from Mateus regarding soloing. Why do all these jam tracks start with the I chord? And in what key is the chord progression A Major to F Major?

Question 2: Escanor was curious about why chord charts don't include the low E string when showing an A Minor chord.

Question 3: Tasha was curious about guitar pedal essentials. What are the basic pedals to start with? 

Question 4: Sev was curious about the advantages or disadvantages of learning guitar and bass simultaneously. 

Question 5: Lounge Actor was curious about general guidelines for creating a chorus in a completely different key! I talk a little about ways to tinker with this concept, borrowing a little from classical and romantic. I wrote a little tune and played around with jumping into different keys. If you write something with a key change in it like this, post it in the community forum thread for this post!

Question 6: Rene, a new guitarist, was wondering when it will really feel like you're playing guitar. And some other good questions.

Question 7: Riccardo was curious about the shapes for soloing in harmonic minor using the CAGED system. 

Question 8: Russ was curious about half diminished (aka m7b5) chords. Do they just take time or is there something to them?

Question 9: Rene wanted to know if it was too much to learn piano and guitar simultaneously.

Question 10: Gary asked if there are major and minor CAGED shapes. Yes, but the approach can be weird. I explain a little bit. Actually a lot.

Question 11: Sev was curious about my band, Hot Bodies in Motion. We're working on new music, coming out sometime this year!

Question 12: Sidinei was wondering - specifically - how many times through must we practice the exercises before we move on. In other words, when is the right time to move on? When we get the exercise perfectly? When we get it good "enough?" When?

Question 13: Are there any classes about reharmonization? Yes. Music Theory Monday has these lessons: MTM 24 | Reharmonization Basics, 25 | Reharmonization with 7th Chords, and Music Theory Monday 26 | More Reharmonization 

Thanks for hanging out and I hope you can catch the next one! If you have any followup questions, come hang out on the community forum.